Prime News Ghana

Features and Opinions

Opinion: 'A week on: Executive day of shame' by Kofi Asante


Let me start by saying that, I am personally angry and devastated by the state of affairs and injustice in the system.

As a youth, good governance, media, and press freedom advocate, I have noticed with dismay the level of despondency among young people in the Republic of Ghana.

The National Commission on Civic Education's (NCCE) report just affirmed what some of us have warned and spoken about for years.

One hour at circle – Humour, giggles and takeways

A day before I had to pack bag and baggage to return to my base, I called the technician, whose assistance I had sought to get my laptop fixed, to enquire if I could come over to pick it up. My laptop would simply not run fast enough; not even when I was opening a Microsoft Word document. So, his technical assistance had been requested days earlier.

'Toning down on elections' by Rodney Nkrumah-Boateng

As far as voting in national elections goes, I probably am in pole position. I vote in the Manhyia South Constituency in Kumasi and my voting centre, Elizabeth Kessie Polling Station, is right outside my living room window of my home in Ashanti New Town’s Downtown.

‘Dear Jean Adukwei Mensa’ - by Eric Ziem

Dear Jean Adukwei Mensa,

I write to tell you that my love for you has faded away and I no longer wish to be in a relationship with you. Please note that this decision is not an impulsive one but I have very well thought through it. You were always my priority and I always made sure I served you with all heart, body, mind, and soul. I have served you in different capacities as an Electoral Commission Temporal Officer.

‘Media tyranny undermines democracy’ – By Prof Ransford Gyampo

  1. Media Freedom MUST be respected in every democracy. But this is not licentious for Media Tyranny. The unintended consequences of the liberalization of our airwaves and the proscription of laws that gagged the media, following the promulgation of the 1992 Constitution, has been the belief that journalists must be tin-gods, who must not be touched, regardless of what they do, and can arrogate to themselves the right to do anything, including turning a man into a woman.

'A many splendored' tale by Elizabeth Ohene

If Caleb Kudah, the Citi journalist was slapped, kicked and/or manhandled by National Security officials, it is wrong, wrong, wrong. The number of vehicles, uniformed officials and amount of firepower that went to the offices of Citi FM to arrest another journalist was over the top and in my book, was meant to intimidate.

Brutality on Caleb Kudah a reflection of tyranny, intolerance under Akufo-Addo government


Democracies thrive on divergent opinions and tolerance for opposing views. In cases where people disagree, they do so whilst respecting the rights of people to hold opposing views. The cardinal organ of society that vents out these opposing views for the purposes of holding Gov’t accountable is the media and media practitioners engaged including individual commentators, bloggers, among others. It is for this reason that the Constitution guarantees media independence and freedoms in Article 161 and 162.

Kwaku Sakyi-Addo writes: Fasting at Katanga

I do not know what the arrangements are in Achimota school today. But when I was a student there in the 1970s, Muslim students were allowed to fast If They Chose to do so.

Elizabeth Ohene writes: Culture of noise

I am no longer a paid-up member of the Ghana Journalists Association (GJA). I suspect, therefore, that I might not qualify to be called a journalist these days.

Opinion: Stop rushing into marriage

Marriage is not as simple as saying “I do,” it requires effort, time and commitment. The need for rushing into marriage before one’s educational career is completed will only lead to an inevitable downfall and heartbreak.

Pistol P writes: Be concerned as a Ghanaian

As we pour out tributes in solidarity with the family of Ishmael Mensah and many other families who have been in such a situation, we should not forget to pray for them to heal and have the courage to move on.