Prime News Ghana

Fisheries Ministry engages fishermen ahead of 2024 closed season

By primenewsghana
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The Ministry of Fisheries and Aquaculture Development (MoFaD) has held a stakeholder engagement with fishermen in the Greater Accra region ahead of the 2024 closed fishing season.

Speaking at the engagement on Monday, the Minister, Mrs Mavis Hawa Koomson, stated that the government was determined to collaborate with fishery associations to end illegalities and ensure the sustainability of the country’s marine and fishery resources.

“The fisheries sector supports the livelihood of about three million Ghanaians along the fisheries and aquaculture value chain but faces challenges such as overfishing, illegal activities and declining fish stocks.

“Effective enforcement of the closed season and combating illegal fishing activities are crucial for the sector’s long-term sustainability and benefit to Ghanaian families,” she added.

She stated that the approved dates were based on scientific advice and in consultation with various fishery associations such as the Ghana National Canoe Fishermen Council, the National Fisheries Association of Ghana, the Ghana Industrial Trawlers Association and the Ghana In-shore

Mrs Koomson advised the fishermen against the politicisation of the policy, adding that the fishing community would not benefit from the exercise if the policy was politicised.

She noted that the Ministry and the Fisheries Commission had been implementing the fishing closed season since 2016.

She reiterated the government’s commitment to supporting the fishers and fish mongers with relief and livelihood empowerment items such as bags of rice, gallons of oil, sewing machines, basins and hair dryers during the period of the closed season.

Stakeholders pledged their commitment to abide by the rules of the closed season and called for strict adherence by all along the value chain.

The official ceremony to commence this year’s close fishing season is scheduled to take place at Dixcove in the Ahanta West Municipality in the Western Region on Monday, July 1, 2024.