Prime News Ghana

2024 elections: EC rejects NDC’s forensic audit request

By Vincent Ashitey
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The Electoral Commission (EC) has rejected calls from the National Democratic Congress (NDC) for a forensic audit of the Provisional Voters’ Register (PVR).

The election management body asserted that the established legal and administrative processes for cleaning the register have not been fully utilized, making such an audit unnecessary at this time.

 In a letter addressed to the  National Chairman of the NDC, Mr. Johnson Asiedu Nketiah, the EC explained that the mechanisms for correcting discrepancies in the PVR are already in place and should be exhausted before any further actions, such as an audit, are considered.

The EC’s response followed a petition submitted by the NDC after its “Enough is Enough” demonstration on September 17, 2024.

The letter was also copied to key stakeholders, including parliamentary leaders, civil society organizations, religious bodies, and members of the diplomatic community.

In its petition, the NDC called for an independent forensic audit of the PVR and its IT system.

The party highlighted what it labeled as unauthorised log-ins, transfers, discrepancies, and potential data corruption within the register.

The main opposition party emphasised the need for a comprehensive review of the IT infrastructure and human processes behind the voter registration system to ensure integrity ahead of the 2024 General Election.

EC cites legal framework

The EC noted that the Constitutional Instrument (C.I.) 91 acknowledges that the PVR is a draft register and allows for corrections through an Exhibition Exercise.

This process is specifically designed to address and rectify any discrepancies in the voter data, such as missing names, biographical errors, and duplicates.

The EC further explained that the Exhibition Exercise, which is conducted at polling stations and online, provides voters with the opportunity to inspect and correct any errors in the register.

According to the EC, this exercise offers a legal and systematic way to clean the register before it is finalised for the elections.

Plans for re-exhibition

The EC assured the NDC that it would re-exhibit the corrected PVR online before finalizing the register for the 2024 General Election.

While the Commission acknowledged the NDC’s concerns about a physical exhibition at all polling centres, it pointed to time constraints, estimating that it would take around four weeks to print and distribute the corrected register.

Given the approaching election date, the EC deemed this option impractical.

Instead, the EC plans to implement an online exhibition of the PVR, allowing registered voters to check and report anomalies within a specified time frame.

This online display will remain accessible until Election Day, ensuring voters have ample opportunity to verify their details.

The EC maintained that it was unnecessary at this stage.

The Commission reiterated its belief that the existing legal and administrative mechanisms for cleaning the PVR have not been fully exhausted, and encouraged the public to trust the processes in place.

The EC assured voters and stakeholders that it remains committed to delivering a credible voters register for the upcoming elections.