Prime News Ghana

Mohammed Kudus solo strike wins West Ham's Goal of the Season

By Vincent Ashitey
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Ghana midfielder Mohammed Kudus has been named as the winner of West Ham United’s Goal of the Season Award.

The award win was announced today as The Hammers roll out their end of season awards. Kudus’ award is the first of many to be announced by the London side.

Kudus’ first of a two-goal outing in West Ham’s 5-0 win over German side SC Freiburg in the Europa League Round of 16 stage topped the category.

The former Ajax Amsterdam player picked up the ball in his half and dribbled past two Freiburg players and planted the ball into the net remarkably with his weaker right foot.


The game also preceded the new form of Kudus’ famous goal celebration with the Ghanaian opting for a steward’s stool rather than perching himself on an advertising board close to the pitch.