Prime News Ghana

Renovation works to commence on the Accra Sports Stadium

By Mutala Yakubu
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Accra Sports Stadium
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Minister of Youth and Sports Isaac Asiamah has revealed that his outfit is considering refurbishing the Accra Sports Stadium

He disclosed this at the 16th anniversary of the May 9th stadium disaster held today at the stadium.

“The ministry is considering a possible closure of the Accra Stadium for long overdue maintenance, the Stadium has been neglected for maintenance for almost 9 years and this will help to ensure the safety of supporters.”

Stakeholder including football fans and the media have called on government to do carry out renovations works on the stadium as it has developed several cracks and is almost looking like a death trap.

The last time the Accra Sports Stadium was renovated was in 2007 prior to the AFCON 2008 which was hosted by Ghana