Prime News Ghana

Dumsor looms as Chamber of IPPs orders members to suspend power supply from July 1

By Vincent Ashitey
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There is an impending power crisis as the Chamber of Independent Power Producers (IPPs) has directed its members to cut supply to the national grid from July 1.

The directive not to declare their available power capacity to the system operator is to last till July 8.

Members of the Chamber include Sunon Asogli, Cenpower, Karpowership, AKSA, Twin City Energy and CENIT.

The Chamber in an email directing its members said, “Further to our planned industrial action on July 1, 2023, we would like each IPP to nominate nothing (zero nominations) and not declare an availability to the System Operator, beginning July 1 to July 8, 2023”.

With just a day to the expiration of the deadline given by the Independent Power Producers to shut down over outstanding arrears, the group is yet to meet government for a favourable response prompting this latest order.

The two parties were expected to meet this week for an agreement on demands for a 30 percent interim payment of the arrears.

The IPPs argue that without receiving payment by the close of June 30, they will be unable to sustain the national grid.

“We are determined to get results at all cost,” the mail concluded.

Independent power producers play a significant role in Ghana’s energy sector, controlling 47 percent of the country’s total power generation mix and contributing 67 percent of Ghana’s thermal power.

As of May 2021, the six enterprises collectively claim an outstanding debt of approximately $1.73 billion in cedis, with the debt dating back to January 2021.

The IPPs highlight that this debt has hindered their access to working capital, preventing them from financing crucial inputs such as chemicals for water treatment in thermal generators and other supplies, many of which are priced in foreign currency, primarily the US dollar.

Elikplim Kwabla Apetorgbor, the Chief Executive Officer of the Chamber of Independent Power Producers, Distributors, and Bulk Consumers (CIPDiB), expressed their inability to convince creditors, contractors, and other essential stakeholders to further delay payments and maintain operations.

“Basically, we are saying that we lack the resources to continue generation beyond 30th June, and we are giving them [Finance Ministry] up to March. We didn’t hear from them, but the fact is beyond June we just don’t have the resource to continue to supply.”

The IPPs have also rejected any form of debt restructuring because they cannot explain to their lenders that Ghana’s economy is in shambles and are unable to repay their debt.