Prime News Ghana

I’m a spiritual not religious – Shatta Michy

By Fareeda Abdul Aziz
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Ghanaian songstress and actor Shatta Michy has opened up about what she believes and other matters about spirituality.

According to Shatta Michy, she's not really a religious person but very spiritual.

She said this when she was asked if she believed in life after death.

Speaking on Hitz FM, she mentioned that she normally goes to church for business purposes.

She revealed that she’s a caterer so wherever people are gathered she see consumers of her food and also a business opportunity.

READ ALSO: Shatta Michy finds new passion in acting

Michy added that when she was younger she only thought life was about enjoyment when you get tired of it then you die.

But now she believes there's more enjoyment afterlife so she's saving it all for when that time comes.

However, she confirmed that at church, she’s a member of the Prayer Warrior, although she doesn’t visit the church often.

She also added that she never misses an opportunity to give offerings and also pays monthly tithes to her place of worship.

Shatta Michy could not tell her last time at church but mentioned that she normally cries whenever she listens to gospel songs.

Gospels songs help her communicate with God easily, she said.