Prime News Ghana

12 suspected Somanya rioters granted bail

By Clement Edward Kumsah
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The 12 suspects arrested in relation with the riot in Somanya in the Eastern region for vandalizing  Electricity Company of Ghana office have been granted bail in the sum of Ghc840,000 with 24 sureties.  

The  bail application was granted by the  Koforidua Circuit Court ‘B’ presided over by Mercy Addai Kotei, who set the bail for each at Ghc70, 000 with two sureties.

According to report, the Police have not been able to conclude investigation into the matter for the docket to be forwarded to the Attorney General for advice hence the bail application.

The Defense counsel at the preliminary hearing argued that most of the accused persons are victims of circumstances.

In reference, the defense council cited a Level 200 student of Mount Mary College of Education who was arrested after he had gone to withdraw mobile money and another Mobile banker with Yilo Stars, who was arrested after he  had gone to collect his savings.

The accused persons are Adamptey Ebenezer, Jones Dendenden, Assembly member for Sawed electoral area, Teye Isreal a taxi driver, Michael Adjei Nortey a student, Theophilus Narh a carpenter, Kossivi Amana, a cook, Wisdom Tetteh a carpenter and Jerry George a tractor operator.

The others are; Wisdom Sackitey Laweh a mobile banker, Senyo George a glass fabricator, Felix Tawiah a welder, Tetteh Emmanuel a sprayer and Bacha Emmanuel, a student .