Prime News Ghana

Accident: Girl, 2, reported dead, driver injured at Gomoa Mpota

By PrimeNewsGhana
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A 2-year-old girl has been reported dead in another accident at Gomoa Mpota in the Gomoa West District in the Central Region.

The accident according to reports happened Tuesday morning around 5:30 am between a Kia Truck and a Cargo vehicle

The victims were the driver and a 2-year-old girl.

Reports also revealed that the Kia car was from Mankessim heading towards Kasoa whiles the cargo van was also heading in the opposite direction.

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An eyewitness said the Kia van caused the accident after a wrong overtaking, causing the collision.

The driver of the Cargo vehicle reported the case at Gomoa Okyereko Police Station.

The Fire Service then came in from Apam to retrieve the trapped victims.