Prime News Ghana

Akufo-Addo assents to Affirmative Action Bill 2024

By Vincent Ashitey
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President Akufo-Addo has assented to the Affirmative Action Bill 2024 into law.

His action now paves the way for the implementation.

The Minister of Gender, Children and Social Protection, Dakoa Newman made it known on Thursday afternoon that the President has assented to the Bill.

On Tuesday, July 30, 2024, Parliament passed the historic Affirmative Action (Gender Equity) Bill. 

The bill is expected to effectively address social, cultural, political and economic gender imbalances in the country, stemming from historical discrimination against women and persistent patriarchal socio-cultural systems and norms.

It also aims to promote gender equity in both the public and private sectors.

Ghana first passed the Affirmative Action Act in 1960, allowing ten women to represent the country’s regions in the legislature.

The law acknowledged that women’s political participation was an essential component of democratic dialogue and special cohesion.

Women’s effective contributions to Ghana’s development are nearly impossible because of their persistent underrepresentation in key decision-making spaces.

Despite Ghana’s signing on to various international protocols and conventions, pledging 30 to 40 per cent representation of women, these figures remain extremely low.