Prime News Ghana

Armed robbers ransack South Africa Pentecost Church, kidnap deacon

By Vincent Ashitey
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The Ghana High Commission in South Africa says it is working to ensure the release of the kidnapped Deacon of the Ghanaian Church of Pentecost in Johannesburg – South Africa.

On Sunday, October 29, 2023 armed men stormed the Church of Pentecost while Church service was underway and ordered the church members to lay down, and robbed them of their belongings.

The suspected robbers, after seizing valuables from church members, took the church deacon into custody.

The High Commission of Ghana said in a statement issued on Monday that, “Mission is presently working with the Church in cooperation with the South Africa Police Service (SAPS) to ensure the speedy and safe release and return of the victim to his family.”

“Kindly note that the South African Police is fully focused on the matter and is working hard to ensure the safe return of our compatriot.”

The High Commission further advised all members of the Ghanaian community to take necessary precautions to ensure their safety and well-being.

“Mission will update the Community of any further developments related to the case,” it added.