Prime News Ghana

Court convicts attackers of Dagbon FM Journalist

By Vincent Ashitey
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The District Court in Tamale on Wednesday convicted the two people who attacked a journalist of Dagbon FM at the studios of the radio station in Tamale.

The court presided by Amadu Issifu, convicted Iddrisu Hardi alias Pagaaza and his accomplice, Mumuni Osman, on the charges of conspiracy to commit crime, assault, unlawful entry and threat of death.

The two accused persons pleaded guilty to all four counts of charges and were convicted on their own plea, and subsequently sentenced to a fine of Three Thousand, Six Hundred Ghana Cedis (GH₵3, 600.00) or in default serve a custodial sentence of 18 months imprisonment in hard labour.
Following the convictions, the two duly paid their fines to the Court.