Prime News Ghana

FixTheCountry: Economic Fighters League breaks away as convener 

By PrimeNewsGhana
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The Economic Fighters League (EFL) is no longer part of the FixTheCountry Movement as a convener.

Explaining the split in a statement, the EFL cited concerns with transparency and a lack of ambition.

“Sadly, the FixTheCountry conveners’ platform no longer offers a conducive environment for honest and credible mobilization,” the statement said.

“The selfish interest of some appears to be driving the movement to what we feared the most, namely, that the hard work of the numerous activists will be cultivated to the benefit of certain partisan political forces or interests.”

The EFL also said the movement’s “independent thought is gradually being replaced with remotely controlled thinking, and accountability levels are falling worryingly.”

Giving further clarity on the split on Eyewitness News, the National Spokesperson of the EFL, Nii Ayi Opare, stressed that the EFL wished to become a viable political alternative for Ghanaians.

“It would be irresponsible of us and quite unfair to the people of Ghana if we continue agitating and making noise for change without presenting a political alternative to the status quo.”

“The responsibility is on us to present a political alternative to the NDC and the NPP, otherwise all the noise we are making will be just that,” Mr. Opare said.

The split notwithstanding, the EFL spokesperson added that his group still had a cordial relationship with the #FixTheCountry movement.

“We move with them and work with them. There is no rift between us.”

Regret from FixTheCountry
In response to the split, in a statement of its own, the FixTheCountry conveners expressed regret that “our journey [with EFL] has ended prematurely.”

“We are saddened by the decision of the EFL and the aspersions cast unto #FixTheCountry, particularly as no specificity was provided to allow us to understand fully what the issues are.”

“We remain open to exploring opportunities to dialogue and collaborate towards building a new Ghana based on patriotism, accountability and honesty,” the FixTheCountry conveners added.

The two groups collaborated for a massive protest march on August 4, 2021.

This has been followed by smaller marches in Takoradi and Obuasi.

They also started a petition to demand a new constitution for the country.