Prime News Ghana

Interior Ministry denies communication surveillance rumours

By Kwasi Adu
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The ministry of interior has denied a news item making rounds on social media to the effect that the ministry will be enforcing a new communication regulation which will entail surveillance of calls and social media platforms.

The news item has been circulating on Whatsapp and Facebook thus:

"Ministry of Interior Regulation

From tomorrow onwards there are new communication regulations.
All calls are recorded
All phone call recordings saved
Whatsapp is monitored
Twitter is monitored
Facebook is monitored
All social media and forums are monitored

Inform those who do not know.
Your devices are connected to ministry systems.
Take care not to send unnecessary messages.
Inform your children about this and to take care."

A statement issued by the ministry on Monday and signed by the chief director, Mrs. Adelaide Ann-Kumi, said no one's communication device was connected to any system at the ministry of interior.
“ as much as the safety, peace, and security of citizens is our primary concern, we will not do anything tantamount to the invasion of the privacy of citizenry,” the statement said, adding that Ghanaian should disregard the false rumours.