The Apostle-General of Royalhouse Chapel International, Reverend Sam Korankye Ankrah, has made a riveting observation about false and doomsday prophets in Ghana adding that they all have bleached faces.
 Teaching his congregation on Sunday, 2 September 2018 about the tell-tale signs of doomsayers in the Christian fraternity, Rev. Korankye Ankrah said bleached skin was a major characteristic of such false prophets who prophesy nothing but doom and gloom – especially the death of prominent people such as presidents, vice-presidents, other politicians, among others.
"I've never been to their churches before but I've been hearing them on radio, and, so, I can tell a few characteristics that you must know and watch out [for].
"Number one, some of these prophets, I've noticed one major characteristic – they all have bleached faces", he said, adding that their "prophecies and miracles" are mere "projections" rather than divine revelations given to them by God.
"I noticed that they all have bleached faces; so, number one, why should you bleach your face if you were born dark? What are you trying to hide? Number one, you are trying to deceive people by your appearance, so you are not fair but you want to let people know that you are fair; it is deception.
"Now who is the greatest deceiver? The devil. The devil comes to us like he's a wolf in sheep's clothing because he doesn’t want you to know how wicked and how terrible he is, so, anyone that tries to hide your real self, and you project another image, you're a bi-polar person, you're a double-, dual-faced character. You are character 'A' today, the next moment you are character 'B'. You cannot be read, you cannot be determined, you're a dangerous person…
"If you are black you must be black; why are you hiding your colour, what do you have to hide? It is Satan at work because that's how Satan is – always deceiving and hiding.
"I'm getting angry because many people are being deceived", Rev. Korankye Ankrah said.
"I'll be showing you the advantage that they have over the people that are following them; remember that prophecy is to declare and to speak, and, so, he [doomsday prophet] is in a position to declare and to speak; and whatever he speaks and he declares, always … cows and controls the people so that the people will always follow until something happens", Rev. Korankye Ankrah noted without mentioning names.