Prime News Ghana

Mahama supports Buz Stop Boys clean-up campaign with GHC50,000

By Vincent Ashitey
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Former President and National Democratic Congress (NDC) flagbearer John Dramani Mahama has donated GH¢50,000 to the Buzstopboys to aid in their Clean Ghana campaign.

This contribution is aimed at aiding the group in purchasing tools and equipment for their Clean Ghana campaign.

During the donation event, Mahama emphasized the importance of voluntarism in maintaining urban cleanliness. He highlighted the challenges posed by urban anonymity and the growing volumes of waste in cities. He noted that urban centers, with their expanding populations, often lack the communal standards of hygiene prevalent in rural areas.

Mahama reminisced about his childhood, recounting the early morning routine of cleaning the household and surrounding areas, a practice he observed has eroded over time. “When I saw you guys, young people, filling in that gap, I thought that you needed to be encouraged,” he said, praising the Buzstopboys for their dedication to improving sanitation.

The former president also pointed out the significant problem of plastic pollution, particularly highlighting the prevalence of plastic and styrofoam food packaging. He called on the public to support the efforts of groups like the Buzstopboys, emphasizing that his support was non-partisan. “I’m doing this not because I want you to vote for me. I just want to encourage you,” he stated.

Mahama’s donation follows a similar act of generosity by popular musician Charles Nii Armah Mensah, known as Shatta Wale, who recently contributed GH¢30,000 to the Buzstopboys. These combined efforts underscore a growing recognition of the need for community-driven initiatives to address the sanitation challenges facing Ghana.