The ballot papers for the December 27 referendum for the creation of new regions have been printed by the Electoral Commission (EC).
There are two official colours on the ballots, yellow for ‘yes’ and Brown for ‘no'†a statement from the EC noted.
For the creation of a region to take effect, there will have to be at least a 50 percent voter turnout and 80 percent of the ballots cast must be a ‘yes’.
All eligible voters within each of the above-mentioned areas who intend to approve of the creation of the new region are required to thumbprint beside the colour, YELLOW on the corresponding thumbprint space on each ballot paper, whiles those who disapprove of the creation of a region should thumbprint at the thumbprint space beside the colour, BROWN.
The six proposed regions are Ahafo, Bono East, Savannah, North East, Oti and Western North.

The Electoral Commission has already held a limited voter registration in areas the new regions will cover.
This was after the process was given the green light by the Justice Brobbey Commission, which was set up to look into the requests for the creation of new regions.
Read also: I’m not against creation of new regions – Togbe Afede
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