Prime News Ghana

Pragya rider jailed 15 years for defilement

By Vincent Ashitey
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A tricycle rider has appeared before the Tarkwa Circuit Court for allegedly defiling a 13-year-old pupil at Matwamatwa, a suburb of Asankrangwa in the Wassa Amenfi West Municipality.

David Owusu, 21, charged with defilement pleaded guilty with explanation, but the court presided over by Hathia Ama Manu rejected Owusu’s explanation and sentenced him to 15 years imprisonment with hard labour.

The prosecutor, Superintendent of Police Juliana Essel-Dadzie told the court that the complainant is a police officer at Asankrangwa and his wife is related to the victim.

She said the complainant and his wife own a provision shop at Morta and the victim usually went there to assist her aunt, but they reside at Kwesi-Bukuro, another suburb of Asankrangwa with the victim.

The prosecution said Owusu resides at Matwamatwa and he buys from the complainant and his wife’s shop.

She said that on Saturday, 27 April 2024, at about 1:30 pm, while Owusu was working in Asankrangwa township, he chanced on the victim who was on his way to the auntie’s shop, and he picked her up.

Superintendent Essel-Dadzie said that when they got to the shop, Owusu failed to stop for the victim to alight and sped off to his house, dragged her into his room, and had sexual intercourse with her.

The prosecutor said, after the act, Owusu took the victim to the aunty’s house where she changed her clothes and thereafter, he took her to the shop.

On 1 May 2024, the victim revealed her ordeal to one of the workers in her aunt’s shop and she informed the complainant and Owusu was arrested and sent to the Asankrangwa police station, and they reported the matter.

A police medical form was issued to the complainant on behalf of the victim to attend hospital for examination and report, and some was endorsed and submitted to the police.