Prime News Ghana

Return diplomatic passports by March 17 or face blacklisting – Foreign Affairs Ministry warns

By Vincent Ashitey
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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration has issued a final reminder to individuals still in possession of Diplomatic and Service Passports issued during the previous administration to return them by 17 March 2025.

According to a statement released by the Ministry on Monday, March 10, despite a previous recall notice issued on January 15, 404 diplomatic passports and 387 service passports are still in the custody of individuals who are no longer eligible to carry them.

“Following the directive by the Office of the President to recall the Diplomatic and Service Passports issued during the previous administration and the subsequent public announcement issued by this Ministry, dated 15th January 2025, which outlined the category of individuals affected, the Ministry notes that there are a total of 404 Diplomatic Passports and 387 Service Passports which remain outstanding from holders who failed to surrender their passports when the original publication was made,” the statement reads in part.

The affected persons, who include former Ministers and spouses, former MPs, former Council of State members, and the National Cathedral Secretariat, have until March 17, to return their passports to the Legal and Treaties Bureau of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The ministry has issued a warning that passports not surrendered by the deadline will be revoked and placed on a Stop-Watch List for confiscation at all Ghanaian entrance and exit points.