Prime News Ghana

Sale of SSNIT Hotels: ‘Time to declare our own version of what happened in Kenya’ – Ablakwa

By primenewsghana
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North Tongu MP Samuel Okudzeto Ablakwa is calling for a mass demonstration akin to the recent protests in Kenya, opposing the sale of four SSNIT Hotels to Rock City, a company owned by the Minister of Food and Agriculture, Bryan Acheampong.

In Kenya, widespread youth protests recently forced the government to withdraw a finance bill containing controversial tax hikes. The demonstrations escalated, resulting in the burning of their parliament on Tuesday, June 25, 2024.

Ablakwa referencing these events in a post, criticised President Akufo-Addo for not halting the sale of SSNIT hotels, even after meeting with organized labor earlier this week.

Despite a demonstration dubbed ‘Hands Off Our Hotels’ against the sale, the President has remained steadfast.

He further accused Akufo-Addo's appointed SSNIT board chair, Elizabeth Ohene, of justifying the deal despite overwhelming opposition from Ghanaians and protests from labour representatives on the board.

He asserted that President Akufo-Addo is the chief architect behind this controversial deal and declared that it’s time for Ghanaians to launch their own version of Kenya’s recent protests.

He urged Ghanaians to stay tuned for a major announcement soon.