Prime News Ghana

Senior high schools yet to receive funds to start free SHS policy

By myjoyonline
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The umbrella body of headmasters, the Conference of Heads of Assisted Secondary Schools (CHASS), says it is yet to receive funds and other logistics to start the free Senior High Schools (SHS) policy.

General Secretary of CHASS, Psalm Gyebi told Joy News although various senior high schools across the country are ready the lack of funds may stall efforts to roll out the programme.

“We were promised that about two weeks to reopening about 20% of the money will be sent but I don’t think the money has hit any account. Now all headmasters are at a conference, perhaps by the time we go back the money will be in the account,” he said.

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 Over 420,000 eligible students will start academic work next week to kick start the implementation of government’s flagship free SHS policy.

Under this policy government will foot all bills from feeding, schools fees, and other charges.

 Joy News is learning already text books for the core subject have been sent to the schools with the directive to headmasters to contract vendors to procure school uniform for the students.

“We are expecting the Deputy Minister of Education [Dr. Yaw Osei Adutwum] at our conference this week. Perhaps when he comes he will be able to explain things to us. The class rooms are ready, dormitories are ready. It is left with the logistics,” Mr. Gyebi said.

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 Meanwhile, Dr Adutwum who is in charge of Senior High School education says even though there are a few hitches in the process to roll out the programme, the ministry is generally “close to the finish line” to begin what is largely the biggest educational intervention by the government. News