Prime News Ghana

Video: CHAG wants NHIS restructured to survive the future

By Kwabena Owusu-Ampratwum
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The Christian Health Association of Ghana, CHAG, has commended government for clearing a substantial portion of debts owed service providers under the National Health Insurance scheme but says there is the need for a total overhaul of the system.

Executive Secretary, Peter Kwame Yeboah, says issues such as late payment of arrears without interest, how claims are processed and the price regime need urgent attention if health insurance is to be sustained.

The Ministry of Health has touted the clearing of a large chunk of NHIS arrears as one of the achievements of the government. It has so far cleared GHC 900 million of a GHC 1.2 billion debt.

This brought some financial relief to service providers, some of which had not been paid for nearly 12 months.

Health facilities under the CHAG were heavily hit by the non-payment of claims by the previous government and on several occasions warned the hospitals are collapsing under heavy financial strain.

Mr Peter Yeboah in an interview with PrimeNewsGhana's Kwabena Owusu-Ampratwum said the payment is a relief, but it's only a fraction of the problems bedevilling the NHIS.