Prime News Ghana

VIDEO: Ankaful CEO given a 3 month ultimatum

By Clement Edward Kumsah
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After a closed-door meeting to settle the impasse at the Ankaful psychiatric hospital today at the ministry of health, the facility’s CEO has been given a 3-month ultimatum to prove himself.

The sector Minister Kwaku Agyemang Manu in a meeting with the executives of the striking staff at the Ankaful psychiatric hospital said the three-month ultimatum will be used to assess the CEO and also listen to his side of the alleged mismanagement saga.

Staff at the Ankaful psychiatric hospital began a sit-down strike Thursday, November 23, 2017, to express their discontent over the Health Ministry's refusal to dismiss Dr. Eugene Dordoye despite the various accusations leveled against him.

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The Medical director who has been accused of corruption, human rights abuse, conflict of interest, misappropriation of the funds and resources among others, has rendered a letter of apology to the staff, admitting that he went overboard in his actions.

However speaking to Prime News Ghana after the meeting with the Health Minister, Spokesperson for the striking Ankaful staff, Emmanuel Ofori said per the outcome of the meeting, the government will in no time audit the hospital to ascertain the validity of the various allegations leveled against the Chief Executive Officer.

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He added that "the minister has promised us that after the three months if the allegations leveled against Dr. Eugene Dordoye are true he will personally oust him."



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