Prime News Ghana

Videos: UPSA students struggle with police over demo route.

By Justice Kofi Bimpeh
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It was all confusion and struggle at Rawlings circle, Madina, as students of University of Professional Students Accra tried to demonstrate through the street in front of SEL filling station, a station they are demanding that government shuts down.

The students today Friday, October 13 demonstrated through some principal streets to force government and stakeholders in the energy sector to shut down the SEL filling station which is sited behind the school.

Hundreds of students were seen on the street to protest against the filling station which they believe is a threat to their existence as students.



The police service which was there to maintain law and order tried to prevent the students from using the street in front of the SEL filling station.

The Director of Operations at the Ghana Police Service, Chief Supt. Kwesi Fori told the media that they could not allow the students to use the street of the very filling station.

