Prime News Ghana

WAEC releases 2024 WASSCE private results

By Primenewsghana
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The West African Examinations Council (WAEC) has released the provisional results for the 2024 West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) for Private Candidates, Second Series.

Out of the total 38,316 candidates who took the exams, there were 17,596 males and 21,131 females, with 1,354 registered candidates absent.


Unfortunately, WAEC identified several incidents of examination malpractice during the marking process.

Consequently, the subject results of 303 candidates and the full results of 108 candidates have been withheld for further investigation.

When looking at performance in core subjects, the results were varied.


In the English language, 54.79% of candidates achieved grades A1-C6, while 13.45% received an F9.

For Mathematics, 37.44% attained A1-C6, which is almost equal to the 37.42% who failed.

Integrated Science saw 53.31% of candidates excel with A1-C6, while 18.46% did not pass. Social Studies boasted the highest success rate, with 87.88% of candidates obtaining A1-C6, leaving only 5.76% with an F9.

WAEC has also warned candidates to be cautious of fraudsters promising to upgrade results for a fee. The council underscored the security of its database, assuring that all results can be verified. Candidates are encouraged to check their results online at

Find the full statement below.