The Executive Director of the Media Foundation for West Africa, Sulemana Braimah says if we do not come together as a country to address the various issues making us rank low on World Press Freedom, our next year's ranking may be the worst.
He said there is a need for all stakeholders to come together to start finding solutions to issues confronting Press Freedom.
Speaking on TV3, he said as an organization with headquarters in Ghana they are not proud that the country is performing poorly on Press Freedom Index.
He notes that the starting point should be that the government and other stakeholders must be committed to providing the right environment for Press Freedom.
READ ALSO : Gov't blames new methodology for Ghana's 60th position on Press Freedom Index
Ghana has dropped from 30th to 60th on the latest Press Freedom Index released by Reporters without Borders (RSF).
RSF in a statement said, "The 2022 edition of the World Press Freedom Index, which assesses the state of journalism in 180 countries and territories, highlights the disastrous effects of news and information chaos – the effects of a globalised and unregulated online information space that encourages fake news and propaganda."
"Within democratic societies, divisions are growing as a result of the spread of opinion media following the “Fox News model” and the spread of disinformation circuits that are amplified by the way social media functions."
At the international level, democracies are being weakened by the asymmetry between open societies and despotic regimes that control their media and online platforms while waging propaganda wars against democracies. Polarisation on these two levels is fuelling increased tension."
The latest ranking put Ghana at 60 among the 180 countries listed and the situation of press freedom described as problematic. The key indicators for the score of 67.43 are the economic circumstances and safety of journalists.