Prime News Ghana

Lifestyle - Health - Relationships

Ways to deal with heartbreaks

I don’t know about you but I’d rather breakdance barefoot on broken glass than be rejected by the only person I want and desire.

10 steps to planning a perfect wedding 

Key to a perfect wedding is proper preparation, most people want a perfect wedding but do not prepare adequately to meet the conditions required for a good wedding.

7 grammatical errors even 'smart' people make

A grammatical error is a term used in prescriptive grammar to describe an instance of faulty, unconventional, or controversial usage, such as a ​misplaced modifier or an inappropriate verb tense.

11 foods you didn't know could kill you

Food is a must for survival. Many of our holidays and fondest memories are built around food. Whether you are enjoying comfort food or going out on a limb to try fusion, there are always new foods to discover.

How to lose weight without diets and exercise

Constantly being on a diet is impossible…And then also find time for exercising sounds unrealistic, but what we want is to be beautiful and healthy. So is it possible to lose weight without doing either one or the other?

7 Ghanaian dishes to enjoy before leaving the earth

Food is anything liquid or solid living things cannot live without. Historically, humans secured food through hunting and gathering. Today, majority of the food is grown across the country required by the increasing Ghanaian population.

Will you give breasts to your man or baby?

The breast, the most important external identification of females consists of 15 to 20 clusters of mammary glands surrounded by fatty fibrous tissues to give the breast its consistency. The amount of fat determines the size of the breast.

Natural Remedies for Menopause

Menopause has been referred to as the “change of life”, and it can be stressful for a lot of women… to say the least. Below are some simple tips on how to help navigate through menopause naturally.

Recipe : Preparing beef sauce,check out 6 procedures

Beef sauce is a combination of shredded beef with several ingredients. The delicacy has different tastes depending on the ingredients used in the preparation. It is also a quick and easy recipe which can be served with rice, yam, or spaghetti.

Getting married is not an achievement - Counselor Adofoli

There is a widespread village mentality about marriage, as being one of the highest achievements in life especially for ladies when you come to this part of the world; Ghana. People ridicule you because you are not married at a certain age.

Let’s talk about vulnerability in men

A few weeks ago, I was talking to one of my really good friends. As the conversation was about to end, he said, “Thank you for always being someone I can talk to about emotional things. 

4 Secrets you must know about womanising

Men ought to love women and women, men. It is just natural for a man to have a thing for another woman. Indeed, God made man for a woman just as like a jigsaw, He made the woman to fit into the life of a man.Â