The General Overseer of Covenant Family Chapel, Apostle Paa Kwesi Holly-Nord, has revealed that people who usually like to stay indoors have the tendency to masturbate.
"I don't view the Bride Price as me being paid for… Geoffrey can't afford me," says Angela, a British-born Ghanaian describing a family tradition common across Sub-Saharan Africa.
While living fast and dying young isn't necessarily ideal, there is something to be said about maximizing your time as an able and healthy person on this earth.
Once you have been lied to, it can be very hard to trust anyone again, let alone the person who actually did the lying. The initial feelings of anger and betrayal can soon give way to a deep suspicion of everyone you meet.
Weight loss, breast cancer prevention, reducing insomnia, and way more peanut butter is a natural treasure that can promote many positive changes in the body.
This person with a private number has been calling you from time to time but when you try to pick the call, they turn taciturn and sometimes hangs up the call.
The holidays aren’t always a happy time. For some they’re reminders that they are alone, whether they’re widowed, divorced, separated or simply away from family and friends.Â
A huge relationship misconception is that love can be bought. And while money may certainly help, small romantic surprises can make the same, if not more, of an impact. They tell the person you're with that they're worth a little bit of planning to show that you care.
What is your dream place to conduct a wedding? Well, as some might prefer doing it inside a church building, other may end up choosing an open place such as a beach. When preparing for a beach wedding, a number of things should be consider.
You deserve to feel safe in your relationship. Emotional, verbal, or physical abuse is not your fault. Here’s how to recognize the signs of an unhealthy relationship and get help.
There's so much to do before Christmas day. With our list of the very best DIY Christmas outdoor decorations you'll not only be inspired to get your home ready for December 25, but you'll be able to do it.
In case you don’t already know, a great shoe does the perfect job of completing an entire look. Shoes are the first thing that many people notice when they first meet you.
According to recent research, if you expose just your arms and legs in the sun for 15 minutes a day, you will get a good dose of vitamin D, essential for your bones to firm up.
Regardless of whether you're new to dating or have been doing it for a while, it's easy to sometimes have people whose only intention is hurting you — like pick up artists — slip under your radar.
What sets us apart is how we do things differently. And this is what differentiates happily married couples from the ones who are not so happy about their conjugal life.