Prime News Ghana

2024 elections: Akufo-Addo, First Lady vote at Rock of ages polling station in Kyebi

By Vincent Ashitey
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President Akufo-Addo and his wife, Rebecca Akufo-Addo on Saturday cast their ballots in the December 2024 Presidential and Parliamentary elections.

Akufo-Akufo and the First Lady voted at the Rock of Ages Polling Station at Kyebi in the Eastern Region, with the underscoring his continued commitment to Ghana’s democratic process.

Speaking to the media, Akufo-Addo expressed confidence in the integrity of the electoral system and urged Ghanaians to engage peacefully in the election after casting his vote.

He emphasized the importance of unity and respect for the rule of law throughout the process.

“This election is crucial for the future of our country, and it is important that every eligible voter exercises their right to vote,” President Akufo-Addo said. “I urge all citizens to remain calm, and trust that the outcome will reflect the will of the people.”