Prime News Ghana

2024 elections: Alan Kyerematen, 2 others file nominations

By Vincent Ashitey
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Alan Kyerematen has filed his nomination as an independent candidate for the 2024 presidential elections.

Following his submission, Alan Kyerematen praised the Electoral Commission (EC) and its chairperson for their dedication and hard work.

“I would also like to thank the good people of Ghana for the organic show of love for me as I’ve traveled the length and breadth of this country so far”.

Mr. Kyerematen emphasized that Ghanaians desire a president who will champion national interests rather than political party agendas.

READ ALSO: 2024 elections: Asiedu Nketia files Mahama's presidential nomination forms


He highlighted his vision of leading a government of national unity a truly representative government that will work to improve governance, inspire positive change, and unite the nation.

He also reaffirmed his commitment to the youth by announcing his vice-presidential nominee, Kwame Owusu Danso, and pledged to continue advocating for young people.

He positioned himself as a transitional leader focused on making Ghana a better place, aspiring to become the first nonpartisan, independent president of Ghana.

He expressed his belief that this marks the beginning of a new era in Ghanaian politics.

Meanwhile, two other presi­dential candidate hopefuls, Kofi Koranteng, an independent candidate and Alhaji Moham­med Frimpong of the National Democratic Party have also filed their nominations, bringing to 11 candidates who have so far filed.

For Mr Koranteng, the deprivation he has seen in his campaign tours motivates him to end the duopoly of the NDC and the NPP.

“We believe our policies are the solutions to the failed sys­tem. We need to change leader­ship because what Ghana needs is leadership,” he stated.

On his part, Alhaji Frimpong said a future NDP government is what Ghana needs to get back on the path of progress and prosperity.

He announced Madam Collin Wood Williams Christiana as his running mate for the poll.