Professor Kwasi Opoku-Amankwa, the Acting GES Director says headmasters complaining of capacity for students placed in their schools under the Free SHS policy of government, have no basis for the complaints they are putting forward.
Addressing the press after meeting with some headmasters accused of charging unapproved fees in Accra, Professor Kwasi Opoku-Amankwa, said for example, Aggrey Memorial Zion at Cape Coast in the Central Region, has no basis to complain of lack of capacity.
According to him the school last year admitted 955 students,  819 the year before and over 1000 students have completed this year. "We asked for the schools to submit the number of students they can take and the school submitted 450, and this is unclear because after over 1000 people have left the school how can you say there is no capacity." He queriedÂ
The Education Ministry and government on Monday commenced the implementation of the NPP's flagship Free SHS policy.
But the implementation is facing some challenges as some headmasters have complained of not having the capacity to accommodate the number of students allocated them.
Commenting on some of the challenges, Professor Kwasi Opoku-Amankwa added headmasters who charged and forced students to buy from specific shops will be sanctioned.Â Ghana News