Prime News Ghana

NDC Assin Central Parliamentary Candidate reacts to 6-month suspension

By Vincent Ashitey
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The suspended Assin Central Parliamentary candidate of the National Democratic Congress (NDC), Nurein Shaibu Mygyimah has said he is yet to formally receive any letter.

Mr Mygyimah said the only letter he has seen so far is on social media and what was sent to him on WhatsApp by the Regional Secretary.

He disclosed this in an interview on Asempa FM’s Ekosii Sen programme on Friday.

READ ALSO: NDC withdraws Assin Central Parliamentary Candidate over immoral acts


The candidate explained that, there is no bad blood between him and any of the executives, adding he is still not aware of his offence.

However, he has pledged to subject himself to due party processes and is convinced he will be vindicated at the end.

This follows Central Regional Functional Executive Committee (CR-FEC) of the NDC, in consultation with the National Executives of the party, suspending Nurein Shaibu Migyimah, the Assin Central aspiring Parliamentary Candidate, for six months.

This suspension is pending the review and adjudication of the matter by the Regional Disciplinary Committee.

In a statement, the Secretariat cited immoral acts and anti-party activities.

Although the party did not point out the offence, sources indicate that Mr Migyimah has allegedly impregnated the constituency secretary's wife.