Prime News Ghana

PNC receives 3 extra duplicates from EC, hunt for endorsers before 5pm deadline

By Michael Eli Dokosi
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Legal counsel for disqualified People’s National Convention (PNC) presidential aspirant, Dr. Edward Nasigri Mahama has written to the Electoral Commission (EC) demanding extra copies of his client’s nomination paper.

Upon the lifeline thrown the 13 failed presidential aspirants by the Supreme Court that the Electoral Commission extend the nomination period to close of wok today after corrections have been effected by the nominees, Dr. Mahama demanded the full 4 copies of his paper after the EC had presented 1.

Having received the 3 other duplicates from the EC, the party has quickly dispatched emissaries to track down endorsers in the districts who need to correct mistakes on the presidential nomination paper.

It remains to be seen, given the time and distance constraints if the party could beat the deadline time of 5pm today and successfully file the nomination paper.

Meanwhile another failed presidential aspirant, Hassan Ayariga of the All People’s Congress maintains he’s effected corrections on his form already even before the EC disqualified him stressing they will only visit the EC office to ensure their corrected form is not altered in spite.