Prime News Ghana

Sosu arrest brouhaha: Viral video vindicates embattled Madina MP

By PrimeNewsGhana
Viral video vindicates embattled Madina MP
Viral video vindicates embattled Madina MP
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A trending video on social media shows embattled Madina MP, Francis-Xavier Sosu, calming tempers and telling angry demonstrators not to block roads.

The video also captures a policeman standing behind him while he advises the angry youth against the burning of tyres and blocking the road during the demonstration last month.

The video has hit the internet at a time when police are bent on arraigning the MP before the court to face the charges of unlawfully blocking a public road and the destruction of public property.

READ ALSO: Police have the right to arrest Sosu- Kofi Bentil

Police slapped these charges on the MP after two failed attempts to arrest him for leading his constituents to demonstrate against bad roads on October 25, 2021.

The MP and the Minority caucus have always insisted that the charges are trumped up and an after-thought.

Many believe the video confirms the MP’s previous claim that he led the police to de-escalate the situation during the demonstration and so they cannot turn their back and accuse him of wrongdoing.