Prime News Ghana

Kotoko bans Asempa FM from covering club activities

By Vincent Ashitey
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Asante Kotoko SC has backlisted Asempa FM, a subsidiary of Multimedia Group Limited.


The club is boycotting all channels of the radio station indefinitely as well as banning the media channel from covering any organized activity of Kotoko.

The ban took effect on March 3, 2025.

A statement issued by the Porcupines on March 3 justified the move as a response to the “blatant disregard for professionalism, journalistic ethics, and integrity” by its sports programme host EK Wallace and the broader management of Asempa FM.

“Asante Kotoko SC has long observed Asempa FM’s growing notoriety for permitting the use of abusive, derogatory, and defamatory language against our club, its officials, players, and supporters. This consistent pattern of behaviour has gone unchecked with the clear approval of Asempa FM’s management.


“While we fully acknowledge the media as a major stakeholder in the football industry and deeply appreciate its contributions, we will not tolerate any media platform being used to denigrate our club, undermine our integrity, or shield criminals who bring disgrace to the sport.”

The concerns relate to some remarks made by the host about the killing of Nana Pooley, a Kotoko supporter during their last game at Nsoatre.

According to Kotoko, the sports programme was deliberately orchestrated to serve an agenda of shielding individuals connected to the gruesome murder of their beloved supporter, Francis Yaw Frimpong (Pooley).

It faults the media organisation and the host for failing to disclose the content of the programme to the Ghana Police Service or any security agency before or after the broadcast, despite the serious nature of the case.


“Asempa FM has deliberately ignored the sensitivity and gravity of this murder case, displaying gross irresponsibility and an utter lack of professionalism; Asempa has undermined the work of the security services and the judiciary; and to date, no disciplinary action has been taken against the host, ‘Prof’ EK Wallace, by Asempa FM, even in the face of overwhelming public outcry.”