Prime News Ghana

Nsoatreman beat Bofoakwa Tano on penalties to win MTN FA Cup

By Vincent Ashitey
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Nsoatreman FC came from behind to beat Bofoakwa Tano to lift the 2023/24 MTN FA Cup at the University of Ghana Stadium on Sunday.

The two Premier League sides battled for the title after dispatching Legon Cities and Dreams FC in the semifinal of the Cup competition.

Richard Dzikoe put Bofoakwa Tano ahead after side-footing a Saaka Dauda cross in the 22nd minute but Nsoatreman FC equalized with 11 minutes of play remaining as Sadat Mohammed drilled home from 25 meters to break the hearts of Bofoakwa Tano.

The game travelled into a penalty shootout after both sides failed to score in 120 minutes. Nsoatreman FC showed great composure in the shootout to win 5-4 - with teenager Forster Apetorgbor scoring the decisive spot-kick.