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PHOTOS: Everton unveil final designs for new 52,000-seater stadium

By Vincent Ashitey
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Everton have released the latest images of their stunning new £500million Bramley-Moore Dock Stadium as the Premier League club prepare to submit a planning application.

Following lengthy public consultation - which includes tweaking the proposals to integrate a multi-storey car park from the waterside into the stadium design and introducing additional environmental measures, including wind baffles - an application will be sent to Liverpool City Council later.

And images posted on social media on Monday morning have given Toffees fans a glimpse of what the outside of the 52,000 seater stadium's concourse will look like.

And chief executive Denise Baxendale-Barrett has described the club's new home as "a profound statement of intent".

Just two days after delivering a similar message about their on-field activities with the appointment of three-time Champions League winner Carlo Ancelotti as their new manager, off the pitch things are moving forward.

"This is a huge milestone in the club's history but also a profound statement of intent for our future," said Baxendale-Barrett.

"It marks the culmination of many years of work that has combined the passion of our fans with world-class design and a commitment to creating something truly special on Liverpool's waterfront.

"The stadium at Bramley-Moore Dock will deliver the best possible matchday experience for our fans, new facilities for cultural events and a building that will be a stunning new addition to Liverpool's built environment.

"If we are granted planning approval, this will be a world-class football stadium in a world-class location and a catalyst for Liverpool City Region's ongoing growth and success.

"We've always believed that this project can be a game-changer for North Liverpool...(it) isn't just about a new football ground - it's about regeneration, jobs and social value."

A separate planning application will also be submitted for a community-led legacy project at Goodison Park, the club's home for 127 years.

On the pitch, the Toffees sit 15th in the Premier League following their goalless draw against Arsenal .
