Prime News Ghana

StarTimes issue 2nd warning to media houses illegally broadcasting GPL

By Mutala Yakubu
StarTimes are the official broadcasters of the GPL
StarTimes are the official broadcasters of the GPL
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Official broadcasters of the Ghana Premier League (GPL) StarTimes Ghana have issued a second warning to media house who are illegally covering the league.

StarTimes earlier this season threaten to legally deal with all media outlets that have no right to broadcast the GPL.

With over two hundred broadcast media houses all over Ghana, only twenty have reached an agreement with StarTimes to broadcast the league , as in running commentary on LIVE matches.

In a statement signed by the Head of Marketing, StarTimes, Akofa Djankui, her outfit isn't happy with the development.

"StarTimes is by this communique calling on all radio stations to desist from unlicensed broadcasting of the Ghana Premier League matches," the statement read.

"StarTimes, together with the GFA will take strong and active measures towards the enforcement of our copyright and will pursue criminal and civil actions against any media house or journalist who supply unauthorized footage or audio commentary via mobile phone from the various match centres," the statement further warned.

SatrTimes issue warning to media houses covering the GPL

Read also:Ghana Premier League: Kotoko clash with Hearts

StarTimes have a ten-year exclusive broadcast rights sponsorship of the Ghanaian league with the Ghana FA and are only two years in it.