Prime News Ghana

Tamale: 2023 GFA elections to be held at Redaach Memorial Hotel

By Vincent Ashitey
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The Executive Council of the Ghana Football Association has settled on the Redaach Memorial Hotel in Tamale for the Elective Congress on September 27, 2023.

The Congress, which starts at 9am in the forenoon, will elect Executives to steer affairs of the Ghana Football Association for the next four years.

The Agenda for the Congress is the election of GFA President and Executive Council Members from Premier League, Division One League and Women’s Premier League.

The Elections Committee on Thursday, August 3 revealed the roadmap and the timelines for the elections.

According to a statement, nominations are expected to be opened on August 7 for presidential hopefuls who would be expected to file and submit for review before August 11.

The candidates will be vetted from August 21 to 25.

Any decision by the Election Committee from the vetting will be open for appeal until August 31 and the qualified candidates would be published on September 8.