Prime News Ghana

WAFU B U-17 Championship: Black Starlets coach Laryea Kingston resigns after defeat to Burkina Faso

By Vincent Ashitey
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Former Black Stars midfielder Laryea Kingston has resigned as head coach of Ghana’s Black Starlets.

He announced to step down from his role as the lead technical man for The Black Starlets in the aftermath of Ghana’s 2-1 loss to Burkina Faso at the Under 17 WAFU Zone B Championship.

With the loss, Ghana has been eliminated from contention with Burkina Faso progressing to the finals and earning a spot at the continental event.

Speaking in his post game press conference, Kingston stated that the decision to resign was made before the competition started irrespective of the outcome of the tournament.

”I know Ghanaians know me as a player and are familiar with the sacrifices I made for the country during my playing days.

”I gave my all as a player, but in the end, I wasn’t happy.

”I put more focus on my coaching career and educated myself to make sure I came back to changed the narrative around Ghana Football.

”Within these past seven months as Head Coach, I’ve given my all. I decided when we came back from Russia that I would resign after the WAFU competition. The explanation will come later,” he said.