Prime News Ghana

Biden announces new policy shielding immigrants married to US citizens from deportation

By primenewsghana
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Joe Biden's administration has announced plans to open a citizenship pathway to undocumented spouses of Americans, in a move that could affect upwards of 500,000 people, according to officials.

The White House announced on Tuesday that the government will allow certain spouses of US citizens who do not have legal status to apply for permanent residency and eventually, citizenship, in the coming months.

To qualify, they must have lived in America for at least 10 years and be married to a US citizen - although there is no requirement on how long they have to have been spouses for.

Spouses eligible to apply for this scheme have been in the US for 23 years on average, according to The White House.

If an immigrant's application is approved, they will have three years to apply for a green card, and receive a temporary work permit - all whilst being shielded from deportation.

An estimated 50,000 children who are not citizens but have a parent who is married to one could also potentially qualify for the same process, senior officials said.

The announcement comes two weeks after President Biden unveiled a crackdown at the US border with Mexico that limits asylum processing once they reach 2,500 per day.

The limit went into effect immediately, as current figures stand at around 4,000 per day.

The government faced fierce backlash over the crackdown from advocate groups and many Democratic politicians, with President Biden's new initiative predicted to try and find some sort of middle ground and show that he supports a more humane immigration system.

At an event at the White House later today, the president is also expected to set out new regulations that allow beneficiaries of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals programme - set up by Barack Obama - and other young immigrants to qualify more easily for long-established work visas.