Prime News Ghana

Catholic priest abducted, killed in Nigeria, Christian group says

By Primenewsghana
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A Catholic priest was kidnapped and killed in Nigeria's northern Kaduna state, the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) said on Friday, adding that the murder highlighted insecurity in a region where armed groups have continued to target civilians.

Reverend Father Sylvester Okechukwu, a priest at a parish in Kaura, about 200 km from the Kaduna capital, was first abducted from his residence earlier this week before being killed by unknown abductors, CAN said in a statement.

Kaduna, in Nigeria's northwest region, has been a hotbed of attacks by armed groups who often target villagers, school children, and motorists.

"This heinous crime further highlights the alarming insecurity in our nation, particularly in Northern Nigeria, where innocent citizens, including clergy members, are repeatedly targeted, abducted, and killed with impunity," CAN said.

The United States Embassy in Nigeria in a post on X described the abduction and killing as "a horrific act of violence" and called on Nigerian authorities to bring those responsible to justice.

