Prime News Ghana

Fisherman feared drowned as tidal waves hit Cape Coast

By Emma Wiafe
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One person is feared dead and several million cedis worth of property have been destroyed by tidal waves in the Central Regional Capital Cape Coast.

The surged waves which swept across some low lying coastal areas of the city on Sunday has rendered many homeless and in need of urgent humanitarian assistance.

An affected resident, Kwame Duku who spoke with said a search is ongoing to rescue or find the body of a fishermen who went missing after being swept away by the tidal waves.

“The entire area is flooded, our fishing boats are under the water, for now we don’t know how we are going to survive as fishermen with our destroyed boats, and we need government assistance” he lamented.

Mr Duku blamed the activities of sand miners in the area for the disaster. He claims the natural sand barriers at the beach have all been removed by the miners, leaving the communities vulnerable.

He is appealing to the government as a matter of urgency consider erecting sea defense mechanisms, to safeguard the affected communities from future surges of the waves. 

The towns of Saltpond and Ankaful were also affected by the tidal waves