Prime News Ghana

Police kill five ‘assassins’ at Gomoa Fetteh

By PrimeNewsGhana
Police kill five ‘assassins’ at Gomoa Fetteh
Police kill five ‘assassins’ at Gomoa Fetteh
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Police have reportedly killed some five persons allegedly planning to assassinate the paramount chief of Gomoa Fetteh, Nana Abor Atta.

Reports indicated that the anti-robbery unit of the Ghana Police Service carried out the operation on Sunday, December 19, 2021, following a tip-off.

Police are yet to make an official statement on the incident.

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Nana Abor Atta told Asaase News that swift intervention of the police was very helpful.

“Initially, I thought it was some individuals firing firecrackers only to realise it was a gun battle between the police and some persons who have been sent to kill me and my Abusuapanyin,” Atta said.

The police are yet to establish the reason behind the plot, however, sources are linking it to a possible chieftaincy dispute.

“We initially picked intelligence but we didn’t take it seriously until it happened. But as chief of Gomoa Fetteh, I was taken through the proper process of ascending the throne. But I am surprised that some persons have planned to kill me. I want to thank the police for the swift response in saving my life,” he told Asaase News.