Ahmadiyya Peace Conference - Consul General of Tuvalu in London, Sir Dr Iftikar Ahmad Ayaz has attributed the unrest and wars in the world currently to lack of justice found at every level of society.
According to him, if Islam was practised in its pure and pristine form, with absolute justice as a cardinal component as demonstrated by the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, It could be a catalyst in achieving the twin goals of global peace and justice.
Addressing attendees at the Ahmadiyya Peace Conference which was aimed to promote a deeper understanding of the teachings of Islam in relation to peace and inspire concerted efforts towards lasting global peace held in Accra on the theme "Peace and Global Justice", Dr Ayaz said Africa's progress would depend on development that truly lifted everyone from poverty to prosperity "The continent's progress would depend on the prevalence of social and economic justice for all" he noted
Sir Dr Iftikar Ahmad Ayaz who is also a human rights campaigner, said the achievement of global peace and justice was based on its direct correlation with the establishment of a peaceful society, eradication of poverty, promotion of democratic governance, morality and true universal brotherhood.
Touching on lack of peace in some developing countries, Dr Ayaz regrettably stated that some leaders have exhibited a notorious ethic of self-aggrandizement and self-perpetuation in power.
"This one word, power, sums up the total of most developing countries. It is the struggle for power, the seizure of power, the concentration of power in the hands if one individual or group, and the subsequent refusal to relinquish or share power has sucked these countries into a vortex of violence, repression, tyranny and corruption"
Meanwhile, at this year's Ahmadiyya Peace Conference, the Ahmadiyya Peace Prize for the Advancement of peace was presented to the Roman Catholic Cardinal Archbishop of Abuja, Nigeria, John Olorunfemi Onaiyekan for his contribution to the advancement of peace on the Continent of Africa.