Prime News Ghana

Mahama jabs Akufo-Addo in response to claim NDC has offered zero policy initiative

By PrimeNewsGhana
Mahama jabs Akufo-Addo
Mahama jabs Akufo-Addo
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Former President John Mahama has jabbed President Nana Akufo-Addo in a reply to a claim by Akufo-Addo that NDC has offered a zero policy initiative since it went into opposition five years ago.

“I think the President must take his responsibilities seriously and focus on working to change the circumstances of our people, rather than the rabble-rousing skits he serves the nation,” Mr Mahama said in a Facebook post.

Speaking in Kumasi on Sunday at the New Patriotic Party's (NPP) National Conference, President Akufo-Addo challenged Mr Mahama and the NDC to show Ghanaians just one thought through policy that has been suggested to the government while in opposition.

He said the NDC had provided no alternatives to the challenges they claim Ghanaians were facing.

President Akufo-Addo acknowledged that he was aware that Ghanaians were currently going through hardships but he was working to fix things.

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"All things that we have done in government are things we thought about while in opposition, what is the one policy that the NDC and their leader John Mahama have thought about in five years that they have been in opposition. There is not one policy, the answer is zero," Akufo-Addo said.

But in a reply in a Facebook post on Monday (Dec 20, 2021) afternoon, Mr Mahama wrote:

"I think the President must take his responsibilities seriously and focus on working to change the circumstances of our people, rather than the rabble-rousing skits he serves the nation.

"To answer his rhetorical question on policy, if only he took a moment, in the comfort of his chartered jet, to read the People's manifesto, he would have at least learnt about the 'Big Push' (an accelerated infrastructure plan for Ghana), 'Free Primary Health Care Plan', the ‘1 million jobs plan’, 'Ghana FIRST' (Framework for Industrial Revitalisation, Support and Transformation) and several other well-thought-through and costed policies.

"I am willing to provide him with an autographed copy of the manifesto.

"With his speech of yesterday, he has carved his niche as a good campaigner, but unfortunately a poor leader as Ghanaians have found out at great cost.