Prime News Ghana

Cricket: Ghana to represent Africa in Division 5

By Michael Abayateye
The national cricket team
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Ghana's senior national Cricket team have qualified for the World Cricket League and will be representing Africa after an impressive qualification campaign.

Ghana beat the likes of Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Botswana, Tanzania and Zambia to record a 100% campaign to book a place in the competition.

The Division 5 competition forms part of qualification for 2013 Cricket World Cup with Ghana battling it out with the rest of the world for glory.

Aside the winner’s trophy and Gold medals to the entire team, Simon Ateak won the Most Runs award with 173 in 5 matches while Vincent Ateak won the Most Wickets award as he took 12/79 in a total of 45.3 overs, with 15 maidens. Frank Baleeri also won the Most Dismissal award with 10 dismissals, 3 ahead of Sierra Leone’s M. Mansaray.

The team will now participate in the world championship expected to take place in September in South Africa where Ghana would be hoping to win more medals.